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Overall Beneits



Growth Mindset



Leadership Effectiveness



Team Performance



  • Turbocharge Leadership & Performance

  • Operate with Ease and Flow

  • Increase Teamwork & Collaboration

  • Unleash Creativity & Innovation

  • Lead High Performance Teams

  • 98% Inspirational Leadership

  • 91% Optimism

  • 86% Initiative

  • 78% Change Catalyst

  • 76% Influence

  • 98% Accurate Self-View

  • 97% Empathy

  • 84% Conflict Management

  • 83% Self Confidence

  • 76% Developing Others

  • 91% Emotional Self-Control

  • 92% Teamwork & Collaboration

  • 90% Adaptability

  • 85% Achievement

  • 84% Service Orientation

Watch this Quick Video FIRST:

98% of Participants Experienced Significant Professional & Personal Growth

Our Client's Success Stories:

“Robert is a key advisor and leadership coach for my organization. As a thought leader, he had a huge impact on
our organization’s top strategic initiatives and technology direction. His calm and balanced leadership style helped
us resolve heated debates over technology strategy and direction. He also coached some of our top executives to
expand their leadership capacity and helped me navigate my own transition. I
strongly recommend Robert to organizations looking to make positive lasting

Chief Information Officer, Large Multi-National Corporation

"Robert helped me raise awareness of my personal leadership style, address my blind spots, and develop a strategy to better align my organization for accelerated growth and performance."

Chief Operating Officer

"Working with Robert as my coach was one of the better decisions I've ever made. With Robert's help, I made incredible progress with a few key areas where I was stuck. After working with Robert, I feel more powerful, hopeful, happy, content, and purposeful."

Vice President, Business Development

"Robert is an extraordinary coach. Great listener, very intuitive; I am grateful to Robert for his integrity with his coaching approach, his judgment, and his ability to bring the answers to the surface."


"Robert helped me make adjustments during a major career transition period. I gained clarity, and am ready to grow in a new direction and leverage my strengths."

Senior Technology Solutions Architect

"Robert is excellent at what he does. I had a breakthrough during our first session. I have been more willing to put myself out there and do the things I have been procrastinating on. I would recommend it to anyone."

Business Owner

"After 6 months of coaching with Robert, I have made significant shifts in how I operate in my executive role. I have fortified my executive presence, improved my self-awareness, and developed greater resilience in the face of adversity. My new leadership mindset is enabling me and my organization to successful deliver on the company's most important digital transformation initiatives."

Vice President, Software Solutions

"It amazes me how empowering and helpful I feel it has been. I salute Robert's level of mastery and the scope of his practice. I recommend him for all who are ready to bring the best out of themselves!"


“As a new executive to the firm, Robert helped me steer my transition and make a strong entry into the organization. He had a major impact on my team's top strategic initiatives and helped us architect solutions and sales strategies on a number of important deals. He also coached some of my key executives to fortify their leadership capabilities. His insights, strong leadership and versatility have helped us move the needle!”

Chief Technology Officer, $1.7B International Corporation

98% of Participants Experienced Significant Professional & Personal Growth

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know this will work?

This approach has been proven track records and has been used successfully with literally 100s of CEOs and their executive teams, and more than 500,000 participants from 50 nations.

If you do the work, this will work for you.

What are the results?

98% of participants experienced significant professional and personal growth, including areas such as growth mindset, leadership effectiveness, and team performance.

What if I am starting at square one and am new to all of this?

We get this question a lot. There's an old saying... "Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime." We'd rather teach you to fish so that you're 100% in control of your mindset and thus your performance potential - which ultimately means your life and your destiny. That's why we've built a process to help our clients step into a zone of high performance, ease, and flow so that they get the most out of their careers and their lives.

Do you have a guarantee?

Yes, we have a guarantee.

But keep in mind there are no guarantees in life EXCEPT that if you keep doing what you've been doing, nothing will change, and you'll get no results. The cost of figuring all this out by yourself is astronomically higher than the "investment" required to work together to make lasting permanent change.

Having said this, the guarantee is as follows: If you do the work, and don't feel like the program is working for you, we will refund 75% of the cost of the program so long that you cancel within 30 long as you do the work!

How do I know this isn't a scam...?

We appreciate this question. You should thoroughly vet the people you choose to work with... but ultimately this comes down to a couple things. First, does what we're saying "make sense"? Can you see how it would work? That's the first step... if the education we've given you (for free) has made sense, then that's the first thing you want to consider. Second, have you had a conversation with us on your FREE Strategy Call? You can tell a LOT by getting on the phone with someone. Follow your gut. Third, look at the RESULTS above... the frequently asked questions & testimonials. The amount of leaders we've genuinely helped get results. We're very good at what we do and we authentically care about people. No scams here.

98% of Participants Experienced Significant Professional & Personal Growth

A Quick Overview of the Process

1. Develop Your Strategy

The first step of the process is to develop a strategy and a plan, to move you from where you are today to where you want to go.

2. Mindset - Build Mental Muscle

The second step of the process is to build mental muscle through an 8-week intensive where we work together to build the foundation to getting results in the areas where you are seeking progress.

3. Reduce Resistance

The third step of the process is to minimize and/or eliminate the factors that are holding you back. As this resistance lessens, you'll begin to see yourself leaning forward and acting with greater focus and intention, with less drag.

4. Step into Ease and Flow

The fourth step is to master ease and flow so that you achieve great results, without the tension, stress, and pain that is typically associated with accomplishment. We are proponents of "ease and flow" - not "no pain, no gain."

98% of Participants Experienced Significant Professional & Personal Growth

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